Saturday, December 31, 2011

Are you up for a challenge?

With less than 2 hours left in 2011, I’m ending the year on a high note, with all my little chickies safe at home, a glass of Moscato and curled up with a good book!

Earlier in the day, I was introduced to a wonderful blog, Marc and Angel Hack Life, Practical Tips for Productive Living. On Christmas Day, they issued 30 Challenges for 30 Days of Growth.  It’s an exhaustive, comprehensive list offering 30 insightful ways to bring positive changes to your life. 

I’ve spent some time this evening trying to identify at least 2 of the challenges I’d like to begin tomorrow, New Year’s Day. I’m definitely going to start with #30.

I think I’ll share the list with the kids and Loverman to see if they’re interested in joining me in the challenge. 

Check out the list and let me know if any of the challenges catches your fancy and if so, after the 30 days let me know your progress.  I’ll be sure to keep you updated. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Knit 2, Purl 2, Repeat

Ok… this may be a tad premature, but I need to share!  In my first post, I listed 5 things I wanted to commit to for 2012 and today, I’m happy to report that I begin my knitting classes this coming Wednesday!

Maybe this calling things out, publicly, into the universe is the key, because before posting yesterday, I called the Finely a Knitting in Swarthmore, PA and tried to register for the class and I was told the last space had just been taken.  The owner of the store went on to explain her policy for only allowing 8 students per class, but took my name and number told me I was first on her waiting list if someone backed out.  This pleasant woman obviously sensed my disappointment and promised to be in touch either way, and assured me that folks often drop the class at the last minute and she urged me not to be discouraged. She also said we’d work out something if I didn’t get a seat in the class. 

I hung up the phone, kicking myself for not calling sooner and began googling other knitting lessons in the area.  I found a website for local knitters and identified a woman who lives in my neighborhood and offers private lessons for $10 per hour.  Not bad.   I bookmarked her info and tried to remain hopeful about the classes at the knitting store in Swarthmore.  In addition to wanting to learn to knit, I think I’m also in search of a community of knitters.  I envision sitting around a large, round table getting to know a group of women, sharing our stories, helping each other in acquiring this new, creative skill. Sappy… maybe… In actuality, I could end up in a class with a bunch of folks who have no interest in sharing anything about themselves. I may not make any new friends, but I am determined to learn to knit and to finally exert some of this creative energy I’ve been itching to scratch!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” 
 Maya Angelou

Happy New Year!

“If you do what you always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  Anthony Robbins
New year, new attitude, new way of doing things.  Good riddance to 2011 and hello 2012! 

I’ve never been big on New Year resolutions, but these last few months, I’ve purposefully turned inward to identify areas in my life that need improvement.  Quieting my mind and spirit has never been easy, but it’s in my quiet moments that my clarity speaks the loudest. 

Every since I had my children, as with most parents, the focus of both Loverman and me has been on their well being, needs and wants.  Our beautiful brown babies are growing up, thriving, and becoming more independent every day.  Now, I feel confident to turn some of this focus onto myself and with the same fervor I exercise in meeting their needs, I’ll try to commit to the following in 2012 (in no particular order):

  1. Develop the creative project Loverman and I have been pondering for months
  2. Tell a story at a First Person Arts story slam
  3. Write, write, write
  4. Learn to knit
  5. Take a class at the Y at least twice a week

Maybe postings these intentions, is the first step in bringing them into fruition.   I hope so!